Saturday, 16 March 2013

Made in Dagenham

감독 나이젤 콜 Nigel Cole
배경  1968년 포드 다겐함 공장 파업 the 1968 strike at the Ford Dagenhham car plant
키워드  Ford, Equal Pay Act, Sexual Discrimination, Working class

Albert Passingham : This dispute's got nothing to do with what skill level you are. Ford decided to give you less money because they can. They're allowed to pay women a lower wage than men. All over the country women are getting less because they're women. You'll always come second.

News Reporter 1: What if Mrs. Castle says "no deal"?
News Reporter 2: How will you cope then?
Rita O'Grady : Cope? How will we cope? We're women. Now, don't ask such stupid questions.
(Source: Channel 4 blog
Robert Tooley : Mind if I ask, what do you think of our little problem over at the factory? Do you think maybe he's a bit too much velvet glove, not enough iron fist?
Lisa Hopkins : Not at all, no. Quite the opposite, actually. Look at Vauxhall. They don't have any problems with the unions. And that seems to be because General Motors have a more collaborative approach to management. Whereas at Ford you only deal with the unions because you have to. You tolerate them. And as a result they're more entrenched and they're aggressive in their dealings with you
(source : Londonist web megazine )
''We refuse to be second class workers''
요 몇달간 회사를 다니며 부쩍 느끼는 여러가지 감정들 (성차별에 관련되지는 않았다)때문인지.. 필름의 정서에 푹. 한국에서는 서울국제여성영화제에서도 나왔었다는. 그나저나 우리회사 HR Head는 여성분인데
게다가 나이도 많으신 분인데

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